
Knoxville, Tennessee

Orthodontics is the method of aligning or moving teeth to enhance their alignment, appearance, and function. At Pristine Smiles, Dr. Z and her team understand how life-changing straightening your smile can be. So, we screen and offer Invisalign in Knoxville, TN, for patients here and in surrounding cities, such as Oak Ridge, Maryville, and Farragut.

Should I start orthodontics?

Many people seek orthodontics treatment to achieve cosmetic dentistry goals—but straight teeth are more than conventionally beautiful. When the teeth are misaligned, health issues often follow. For instance, overlapping teeth are trickier to floss and brush than straight teeth. Also, an imbalanced smile can stress out the jaw joints and muscles, potentially leading to TMJ issues, headaches, and other complications.

The over-arching goal of orthodontics is to maintain the health, vigor, and strength of the gums, teeth, and other supporting structures by stabilizing alignment and balancing dental pressures. Typically, orthodontic treatment is ideal for those that suffer from mild to severe misalignment and want to improve their appearance and wellness.

Is Invisalign right for me?

Pristine Smiles partners with Invisalign to help patients achieve a straighter smile. You might’ve heard of Invisalign before because they are the original and world’s largest producer of clear aligners. While it seems that Invisalign is constantly evolving its technology to support more cases, it might not be the best for everyone. So, type in “Invisalign dentist near me” to find a provider to book a consultation for Invisalign to see if Invisalign aligners can work for you. (If you’re in the Knoxville, TN, area, skip this step and book an appointment at Pristine Smiles.)

Treatment Expectations

First, Dr. Z will look at your teeth, gums, and jawbone to see if orthodontics will work for you. If you prefer braces or clear aligners are not an option for you, then Dr. Z can refer you to an orthodontist in the Knoxville area. If you do qualify for Invisalign braces, then Dr. Z will take digital scans of your smile so that your original aligners be fabricated. When your trays come into the office, Dr. Z will fit your first set and closely monitor your smile throughout treatment.

A common question among orthodontic patients is, “how long does Invisalign take?” Indeed, it depends on the severity of misalignment and compliance with treatment. While you should start seeing results in a matter of weeks, you could complete treatment in as little as six months.

Treatment Maintenance

Interestingly, teeth tend to move back to their original alignment after orthodontics. If you just completed a round of braces or Invisalign, retainers are designed to keep your smile perfectly aligned. Dr. Z can let you know how long to wear retainers based on your natural alignment so that you don’t have to start another round of orthodontics or from square one.

Sign Up for a Free Invisalign Consultation in Knoxville

Dental needs are often overlooked, but Dr. Z and her Pristine Smiles team can elevate your smile with orthodontics. Take your first step to a better smile, and schedule a no-pressure, free Invisalign consultation in Knoxville, TN. Call (865) 693-9474 or message us online.