

Family dentistry providers prefer conserving natural teeth when possible. But sometimes, other restorative dentistry methods — like inlays, onlays, or dental crowns — aren’t enough. Even though they might sound scary, tooth extractions are relatively standard. Knoxville, TN, family dentist Dr. Z and her Pristine Smile team commit to ensuring that routine dental extractions are free of stress, discomfort, and fear with conscious sedation, local anesthesia, and other proven techniques.

Is pulling a tooth right for me?

Dr. Z will assess your bothersome tooth, surrounding gums, and bone tissue via visual exam and digital dental x-rays. Also, list any vitamins, supplements, or medications you’re taking. After gathering this information, Dr. Z will discuss treatment and sedation options in great detail.

Typically, Dr. Z recommends dental extractions when teeth are damaged beyond repair. Removal might be necessary if you are suffering from:

  •         Extensive cavities
  •         Advanced gum disease
  •         Fractured, loose, or other dental trauma
  •         Crowding (before orthodontic treatment)

Procedure Expectations

At your initial consultation, you can count on our Pristine Smiles team to answer your questions about tooth removal and go over important details, such as tooth extraction cost and procedure expectations. Before extraction, Dr. Z offers limited oral conscious sedation as an option. Also, she locally numbs the area to help individuals feel more comfortable.

Using specialized tools, Dr. Z performs oral surgery to gently loosen, lift, and remove the tooth from the tooth socket. 

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Arguably, successful tooth extraction healing is just as crucial as dental extraction itself. You might experience light bleeding or swelling in the first 24 hours after surgery. So, we ask our dental extraction patients to take it easy, take pain medication as prescribed, and use a cold compress to reduce swelling.

Schedule a Stress-Free Dental Extraction

Dental needs are often overlooked, but Dr. Z and her Pristine Smiles team elevate extractions by ensuring that patients feel comfortable and confident every step of the way. Take your first step to better dental health by scheduling a dental extraction in Knoxville, TN. Call (865) 693-9474 or message us online.